8.53.1. Installation of Python 3
Prepare Python for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--enable-shared \
--with-system-expat \
The meaning of the configure options:
This switch enables linking against the system version of
This switch enables extensive, but time-consuming,
optimization steps. The interpreter is built twice; tests
performed on the first build are used to improve the
optimized final version.
Compile the package:
Some tests are known to occasionally hang indefinitely. So to test
the results, run the test suite but set a 2-minute time limit for
each test case:
make test TESTOPTS="--timeout 120"
For a relatively slow system you may need to increase the time
limit and 1 SBU (measured when building Binutils pass 1 with one
CPU core) should be enough. Some tests are flaky, so the test suite
will automatically re-run failed tests. If a test failed but then
passed when re-run, it should be considered as passed. One test,
test_ssl, is known to fail in the chroot environment.
Install the package:
make install
We use the pip3
command to install Python 3 programs and modules for all users as
in several places in this
book. This conflicts with the Python developers' recommendation: to
install packages into a virtual environment, or into the home
directory of a regular user (by running pip3 as this user). A multi-line
warning is triggered whenever pip3 is issued by the
The main reason for the recommendation is to avoid conflicts with
the system's package manager (dpkg, for example). LFS does not
have a system-wide package manager, so this is not a problem. Also,
pip3 will check for a
new version of itself whenever it's run. Since domain name
resolution is not yet configured in the LFS chroot environment,
pip3 cannot check for
a new version of itself, and will produce a warning.
After we boot the LFS system and set up a network connection, a
different warning will be issued, telling the user to update
pip3 from a pre-built
wheel on PyPI (whenever a new version is available). But LFS
considers pip3 to be
a part of Python 3, so it should not be updated separately. Also,
an update from a pre-built wheel would deviate from our objective:
to build a Linux system from source code. So the warning about a
new version of pip3
should be ignored as well. If you wish, you can suppress all these
warnings by running the following command, which creates a
configuration file:
cat > /etc/pip.conf << EOF
root-user-action = ignore
disable-pip-version-check = true
In LFS and BLFS we normally build and install Python modules with
the pip3 command.
Please be sure that the pip3
install commands in both books are run as the
user (unless it's for a
Python virtual environment). Running pip3 install as a
user may seem to work,
but it will cause the installed module to be inaccessible by
other users.
pip3 install will
not reinstall an already installed module automatically. When
using the pip3
install command to upgrade a module (for example,
from meson-0.61.3 to meson-0.62.0), insert the option --upgrade
into the command line. If
it's really necessary to downgrade a module, or reinstall the
same version for some reason, insert --force-reinstall --no-deps
the command line.
If desired, install the preformatted documentation:
install -v -dm755 /usr/share/doc/python-3.13.2/html
tar --strip-components=1 \
--no-same-owner \
--no-same-permissions \
-C /usr/share/doc/python-3.13.2/html \
-xvf ../python-3.13.2-docs-html.tar.bz2
The meaning of the documentation install
and --no-same-permissions
Ensure the installed files have the correct ownership and
permissions. Without these options, tar will install the package files with
the upstream creator's values.